Student success this year, during great challenges COVID, is something to be thankful for. Below is a medley of short stories of greater importance to share for the 20-21 school year in Agricultural Science.
SCVTHS Stellar Student of the Year: Agricultural Science student Jenna Shallop! Congrats Jenna!
Jenna began her Agricultural Science and FFA member career as a freshman with a bold statement by being recognized as NJ FFA "Most Outstanding Greenhand" degree candidate. She is now closing her High School career as the 2021 SCVTHS Stellar Student of the Year.
Two Agricultural Science Senior Students named 20-21 Scholar Athletes of the Year.
Jenna Shallop (pictured above) and Jonathan Reynolds-Alvarenga (pictured below) senior classmates in the Ag Science program were named as Scholar Athletes. These classmates would frequently share game highlights with each other during class.
Agricultural Research and Development (Senior Year) Projects
Topics this year are:
1) Breeding Wisconsin Fastplants as a model for improving edible rice nutrition
2) Growing Edible Radishes for Longer Space Missions
3) Food Insecurity Within Somerset County
4) Improving Breeding Practices for Beef Cattle
5) Investigation of Road Salt Concentrations in Soils from various Road Uses
Somerset FFA Service Project
Edible Plants raised for local food pantry.
During a January 4th advisory committee meeting, Bruce Crawford, Rutgers SEBS professor of Residential Horticulture, suggested we combine vegetables in planters and donate. I really liked that idea because it would give people with limited resources, limited space, and help boost gardening confidence. The idea seemed to get some traction quickly from Agricultural Science students / FFA members, and Mr. Carrig. We began doing research and assembling materials shortly after. I was then contacted January 11th by Delaware Valley University Animal Science Professor, and Somerset County resident, Joanne Powell to partner in creating gardening kits for a local food pantry. Since we had no idea who would benefit from us growing and creating these combined planters, in partnering with Joanne Powell we now had a home for our material.
Seeds were donated by several sources including Belle Meade Coop. FFA Officers organized the program contributions. FFA Members / students began sowing seeds for red and green loose leaf romaine lettuce, peas, and spinach in mid March for our cool season planters. 'Super Sweet 100' cherry tomatoes, "California Wonder' peppers, and sweet basil were started in late March. Students then transplanted in mid April to the finish container / planters and began to apply nutrients at this point. Students assisted with providing proper environmental conditions with these plants by moving inside heated greenhouse facilities or out and monitoring for pests. Our only pest control was moving the plants outside to allow predators to do their thing. Students got to learn how quickly and effectively this can work.
Early May we noticed that the tomatoes and peas needed support and Mr. Mazzetta's Carpentry and Building Trades class made some wooden stakes for us. Agricultural Science students placed the stakes and tied tomatoes and peas using these stakes.
After ten weeks of growing, forty finished planters were loaded and delivered May 19th to the Hillsborough Food Pantry for clients. Professor Powell was our contact with the food pantry and was responsible for finding us the empty planter containers from a donor.
This was an immensely beneficial project for students in that it gave students a hands on activity to do when electronic learning was at a surplus. It is also beneficial for the students in that it gave our FFA chapter officers a project to apply organizational skills and leadership in benefitting overwhelmed community members.

Agricultural Science hosts DVU Ag Science Student Teacher
Delaware Valley University Student Teacher Completes coursework for classroom instruction with us and ends with a robust animal experience.
Students in the Agricultural Science Program at Somerset County Vocational & Technical High School (SCVTHS) recently participated in an animal science lesson led by Adrianna Ruggieri, a Delaware Valley University student.
Adrianna, who is completing her coursework to become an agricultural science instructor, has been assisting the SCVTHS Agricultural Science program since February. She brought in goats from her farm to work with the students and teach skills to the FFA Veterinary Science Career Development Event team.
“Students performed parasite analysis from sampling and microscopy work, matched appropriate medication to worm parasites identified, administered matching medication, and gave appropriate vaccination,” explained SCVTHS Agricultural Science Instructor Erik Fargo.
Mr. Fargo went on to add, “The Delaware Valley University connection is valuable in providing an avenue for students to apply CASE articulation credit and offering a local place for students interested in animal science to attend.”

FFA Members Campus Clean up Service Project
FFA Officers and members organized the third annual Campus Clean up. Students collected trash and debris from SCVTHS campus grounds and collected 20 pounds this year.
Great job everyone! And it was fun!

Donation to Skills USA Golf Fundraiser
Our students propagated and grew the plant materials placed in these two donated containers from Norz Hill Farm of Hillsborough.

State Level FFA CDE Top Results this year:
- Madeline Bates First Place - Flat of Bedding Plants
- Grace McInerney Second place - Flowering Plant
- Meghan Caughron Second Place - Turfgrass Management practicum areas
- Emiliana Repreza & Madeline Bates Tied Third Place - Ag Technology & Mechanical Systems Practicum
Special Thanks to supporters:
Barbara Lane
Bridgewater Garden Club
Bound Brook Garden Club
Neshanic Garden Club
Advisory Committee members active this year:
Bruce Crawford - Director Residential Horticulture Rutgers SEBS
Everett Merrill - Parent of Graduate
Craig Tolley - County College of Morris Professor
Brian Oleksak - County College of Morris Professor and Program Director
Erin Noble - NJ State Agricultural Education Program Leader & FFA Advisor
Dr. Christine Jenkins - Senior Director Veterinary Medical Services & Outcomes Research, Chief Veterinary Medical Officer - US, Zoetis
Joanne Powell - Animal Science Professor Delaware Valley University
I would like to thank Mr.Fargo for his love and support of all of his students this past year. Without his dedication the Agricultural Science Program would not be where it is today. God bless you Mr.Fargo!