November & December 2024
Classroom happenings and NJ FFA Career Development Event updates
I keep this blog to increase visibility of what students are doing. Please feel free to share with others that may be interested. Thank you!
Animal & Plant Biotechnology - Year 3Running RFLP
Biotech students in the Agricultural Science program learned to perform a DNA fingerprint much like what is seen in TV crime shows. Students learn how the process works and then treat DNA samples with enzymes that cut DNA (restriction enzymes that cut only at specific DNA sequences) to provide identifying patterns ("finger printing"). Students run this procedure multiple times in their course and become proficient enough to teach prospective students at recruiting events.
Intro to Food, Ag, and Nat Resources - Year 1
First year students learn all general aspects of the agriculture industry. in early November students learned about the layers in a soil profile. In this photo students are applying their learned skill of soil texturing to a soil pit, and analyzing additional physical properties such as structure, structure grade, horizon depth, and color. Students build on this knowledge in their second year Plant Science course and prepare for state level competition if they chose.
FANR - Water Quality Testing
Soon after First year students completed their soil unit, they began learning about water in the environment. Here students are using data logging equipment to test water qualities such as pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. Student then compare results to EPA drinking water standards.
Plant Science - Year 2 Root Anatomy and Physiology
Here students are setting up a root hair absorption simulation experiment. Students use dialysis tubing as a semipermeable membrane, with starch and corn syrup inside. They then place this dialysis tubing into a cup partially filled with water and iodine to test for fluid flow direction as well as having the pressure of the dialysis tubing measured with a data logger.
Trout in the Classroom
Performance project testing trout tank water. We participate in NJ DEP and Trout Unlimited's Trout in the Classroom program. We test our water at least once a week for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, total/ general hardness, and carbonate hardness. Here one of our upperclassmen is teaching the first year students how to complete one of the tests. Data from testing is recorded in a spreadsheet to track water quality trends.
NJ FFA Career Development Event prep
Seen above, a Senior student is preparing additional forestry Biltmore sticks to be used to calculate board feet of a tree. Career Development Events are competitions students participate in through NJ FFA. There are many other aspects to the Forestry event students need to be prepared for. Some examples include: tree identification, disease and disorder ID, map interpretation, and a general knowledge exam.
Fruits and Vegetables
Above is one of four students that competed in the Fruit and Vegetable NJ FFA event. This student is practicing judging. Judging is one of three areas of this event along with identification of fruits and vegetables, and a general knowledge exam. The judging portion requires students to properly identify the item, and judge three groupings of five items and rank them in order from best to worst.
SCVTHS Agricultural Science / Somerset FFA
This is all of our Fall CDE student competitors. The group of four on the far right will be recognized as this year's First Place Fruit & Vegetable team (earning most points collectively) in NJ, with Kara Van Dyke taking First place as an individual. Congratulations!
Other teams/individuals pictured competed in: Turfgrass Management, Milk Products, and Forestry.
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